5 signs that help you decide if it’s worth changing your IT service provider.
A The system administrator does not pick up the phone; it is difficult to reach him
Why is this a problem?
Fixing issues may get prolonged, which, in worst cases can result in loss of revenue or direct losses.
What causes the problem?
The system administrator may be busy or overloaded. He may prioritize other customers or tasks first.
The system administrator cannot focus on his phone during work. They would need to accept too many calls, distracting him from his task, so he even does not pick them up.
The technically qualified “geek” IT specialists dislike customers and their complaints. They dislike problems, are unsympathetic and view the customer as a nuisance.
Our solution to the problem:
We formed an always-available customer service
Our team’s priority is to receive calls and solve the simpler tasks right away.
We do not hold up our technical team with phone calls, they can focus on the solutions.
The updates are not installed on the computers
Why is this a problem?
The lack of maintenance results in operational and security risks, increasing the chances of shutting down or attacks from viruses and malware. It is like changing oil in your car. It might not cause a problem right away, but the cost of repairs later on may be multiple times the cost of arrears.
What causes the problem?
Mostly the lack of proactivity, occasionally the workload.
No monitoring system, the administrator isn’t even aware that there are computers which haven’t been updated.
An already busy administrator will not be able to work in advance; he will only have time for putting out fires.
Our solution to the problem:
During takover of the operations, we inspect the machines and carry out the missed maintenance, patching any potential holes.
Regular maintenance is part of our monthly flat rate and it does not come with extra fees. The cost of repairs is also ours, so it is in our best interest to keep operational risks minimal.
Lack of IT development plan
Why is this a problem?
These days IT is an important pillarof the operation of any companies. If it does not improve, it will the bottleneck of further business advancements. By this time, the cost of development will be significant. Development cannot be planned; you will have to spend on IT at unforeseeable times.
What causes the problem?
The administrator prioritizes short-term problem-solving instead of long-term operations, does not have any operating plans.
The system administrator does not even have a real overview of the systems, because he does not have monitoring tools, and he lacks the time for regular check-ups.
Our solution to the problem:
After the takeover of the operations, we review the systems and send a report on it to the customer.
The operation report reveals the current situation, making suggestions about immediate, short-, middle-, and long-term development. This determines the direction of development for the coming two years, allowing the customer to schedule them tuned to its own plans.
We annually review the systems as part of the operation contract, notify the customer and make suggestions. This makes the continuous development economically feasible.
The leader has no real overview of the condition of the IT system
Why is this a problem?
These days IT is the an important piilar of the operation of any companies. If its status is unknown, the company can expect unforeseeable issues in operation.
What causes the problem?
The leader has no time to deal with the IT, and he does not receive any information/reports from the administrator.
The administrator prioritizes short-term solutions in front of long-term operations.
The administrator has no overview of the system either. He does not have monitoring tools, and he lacks the time for regular check-ups.
Our solution to the problem:
After the takeover of the operations, we review the systems and send a report on it to the customer.
The operation report reveals the current situation, making suggestions about immediate, short-, middle-, and long-term development. This determines the direction of development for the coming two years, allowing the customer to schedule them tuned to its own plans.
We annually review the systems as part of the operation contract, notify the customer and make suggestions. This makes the continuous development economically feasible.
The passwords for the IT devices and tools are unknown, only the administrator knows them
Why is this a problem?
These days IT is an important pillar of the operation of any companies. If only the contractual partner has the necessary keys, then his/her unavailability may jeopardize the company’s business operations. This is especially important in case of a single person administrator. If he has an accident, the operation of the company may even completely stop.
What causes the problem?
The administrator prioritizes his/her personal interests, and doesn’t pass on the passwords.
The contractual entrepreneur wants to avoid the termination of the contract.
Our solution to the problem:
For us, taking over the operations means taking over the rights, changing the passwords and taking over the responsibilities for the operation.
On the day of the takeover, we take over the administrational responsibilities from the previous operator and change the passwords.
We work with personalized user access, we do not have any shared passwords.
We do not use the shared administrator accounts of the systems (root, Administrator, etc.), we change their passwords to automatically generated strong passwords. We will have the password secured in a password safe, and hand it over to the customer in a closed envelope, ensuring that the customer has access to his or her own systems – in justified cases. Naturally, opening the envelope means the takeback of the operational responsibilities as well.
We do not want to keep our customers with the passwords, but with the quality of our service.
In case you experience at least three of the signs listed, contact us!